1.One fourth cup pine apple juice
2.Three fourth cup baby corn
3. Four five medium cauliflower
4.Three four mushroom cut it into four pieces
5.Two slice pine apple, fresh or tinned
6.One small capsicum cut it into half pieces
7.Half table spoon red chilli paste
8.One and half table spoon crushed garlic
9.Two three spring onions
10.One fourth cup tomato ketchup
11.Three table spoon vineger
12.One fourth table spoon ajinomotto
13.Four table spoon sugar
14.One table spoon soya sauce
15.Half table spoon salt
16.One stock cube crushed
17.Four table spoon corn flour mixed with half cup water
Method :-
Microwave covered One and half cup water, half cup pine apple juice, baby corns. florets and mushromsfor six minutes.
Add tomato ketchup. vinegar,ajino motto, sugar, ,soya sauce,salt and stock cubes.Add the remaining vegetable in it.Add 1 inches pine apple and capsicum in it. Keep it aside.
Microwave two table spoon oil,onions, garlic,red chilli paste in a seprate bowlandmicrowave it for three minutes.
Add the onions to the vegetables and corn flour paste also.Microwave it for six minutes.Stirring once in between.
Sweet and sour vegetable is prepared. Serve it hot.